Globalization, Internationalization & Localization
If you’re already familiar with these terms, then you’ll probably find this boring but if you’re new to the field of translation, localization and globalization, it might be a good idea to read on. These terms are commonplace in the online world now-a-days and though they might seem intimidating, all you have to do is […]
Hebrew to English Glossaries
This is a compilation of Hebrew to English glossaries that you may find useful. You are welcome to send us any additions or suggestions. Computers Microsoft’s Hebrew-English glossary – Old, but still useful. Business and Work Accounting and Business – Ten basic Hebrew to English terms in accounting and bookkeeping. Financial – A list of dozens of Hebrew […]
Content is king or are we its slaves
It does not matter what business you are in, you’ll find nowadays that your businesses exists in some way on the virtual internet sphere. The method by which internet pages are ranked makes website design, SEO, and social media a jungle that most businesses are lost in. We are being told that we must write […]
Language: Barrier to Culture or Vice Versa?
Why we really don’t understand each other When people think about the language barrier, they refer to the challenge of communicating across cultures. The first story ever told explaining why people speak different languages is told in the Book of Genesis – the Tower of Babylon. The story tells about humanity speaking the same language […]
The technological language revolution
There are languages that are not gender neutral, such as Hebrew and Arabic, where a brief look at the text can tell whether the author is male or female. For example, when a woman writes “I am going” in Hebrew or Arabic, the verb “going” is gender specific. In a previous post I mentioned how […]
MadCap Flare Translation
MadCap Flare™ is a powerful authoring tool with a wide range of features for creating sophisticated outputs. The fact that Flare enables the creation of this range of documentation sometimes creates a challenge when translating its content. Translating Flare is considered quite intimidating for technical translation service providers. MadCap prides itself for its single-source feature, […]
It Sounds Better in Yiddish
The Yiddish language has a reputation of being a humor and jokes kind of language—the language of the common people. But, Yiddish also has a whole intellectual and creative side. This reputation of the language probably originated back in the 18th century, during the Enlightenment period where the language was associated with the uneducated old […]
The influence of interpreters on history
The previous post addressed the impact of translators on history. This article focuses on the special influence of the interpreters. Unlike a translation that deals with written text, the interpreter translates orally. Today, the profession of interpreters is highly developed and divided into sub-fields and specializations – consecutive and simultaneous interpretation with business specializations, accompanying […]
Translation and culture
There is a romantic beauty in the translator’s role in connecting cultures, openness to new world, transferring knowledge and technology that enables progress. Knowledge that shapes myths, symbols, norms and ideologies is deeply engraved in societies separated from each other by both physical and temporal distances. When the translator in the ancient world was exposed […]
Interpretation of translation
Translation should be neutral and impartial. The translator Norman Shapiro sees translation as the attempt to produce a text so transparent that it does not seem to be translated. A good translation is like a pane of glass. You only notice that it’s there when there are little imperfections—scratches, bubbles. Ideally, there shouldn’t be any. […]